• Poster 49
    What is an Animal Care and Use Committee?
    This light tan colored poster displays a cartoon like group of six mixed gender people dressed in distinctive work related clothes. It is intended to show the diversity of the “Animal Care and Use Committee”, a requirement for evaluating efficacy of animal study proposals and the use of animals in research. In the middle of the poster is a line of animals looking up at the people. At the bottom of the poster under the title “ACUC helps safeguard Animal Welfare by:” are five bulleted information points explaining why ACUC’s are important for helping maintain good science. The first line of people has a Principal Investigator wearing a lab coat with “PI” below the chest pocket, a stethoscope around her neck and she is holding a beaker. Next to her is a young man in a green tee shirt that has “Safety First” printed on his chest and represents a Safety Officer. In the second row from left to right there is an older man in a blue business suit and represents a non-scientist. Next, is a minister in a gray suit and he has a white clerical collar who represents a non-affiliated community member. Then there is a balding veterinarian in a white lab coat with “DVM” below the chest pocket. The last person is a woman with yellow hair wearing a maroon dress and she is holding a clip board. At the feet of the people and going from left to right the animals are a pink pig, gray rabbit, white mouse, green frog, tank of zebra fish, brown monkey and tan dog. The information points at the bottom of the poster are as follows: “Reviewing Animal Study Proposals, Reviewing Animal Programs and Facilities, Advising on the Care and Use of Animals, Identifying Training Needs and Responding to Concerns”.