Poster 29
In Step with Animal Welfare Standards
This light blue poster depicts a parade with a marching band being led by a flag bearer followed by drum player in front of a review stand. There are animals and three members of an Animal Care team on the review stand – left to right starting with a white sheep, then a male veterinarian in green scrubs, a female lab technician cradling a green frog and man in a business suit holding a clipboard with the letters ACUC on it. In front of the technician is a gray rabbit, white mouse and tan dog. The parade is being led from the left side of the poster by a pink pig then a the flag bearer with a white flag with a OLAW logo then a brown monkey at the end of the parade is the bass drum player with a APHIS emblem on it. At the bottom is the poster under the flag bearer the acronym OLAW is written out “NIH Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare” and under the drummer “USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service”. The subtitle is, “A Program Sponsored by The NIH Animal Care and Use Committee, 496-5424.” The OACU and the NIH logos are also shown.