Poster 41
Oversight of Animal Research
This pale blue poster displays a half of a rainbow ascending from left to right displaying the titles of groups who are involved with the oversight of research animals and under the rainbow is a grouping of animals. The cartoon-like animals are located in the bottom right corner of the poster and are arranged from left to right starting with a green frog, brown monkey, white mouse, a water filled bowl containing gray and black zebrafish, tan dog and a gray rabbit. On the rainbow bands progressing from closest to the animals outward are the following groups and organizations. The first purple band has Research and Animal Staff followed by an orange band with Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, a yellow band with National Institutes of Health Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare, a green band labeled the Association of Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Cane International then a blue band labeled U.S. Department of Agriculture – Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service with the last purple outer band is labeled General Public. The subtitle at the bottom of the poster is NIH Animal Research Advisory Committee, 301-496-5424. The DHHS, NIH and OACU logos are also shown on the poster.