The Many Applications of Gene Editing with CRISPR/Cas9*

  • Poster 54
    The Many Applications of Gene Editing with CRISPR/Cas9*
    This poster has a dark blue background and a pie shaped graphic with five sections describing the areas of science and commerce that benefit from the use of CRISPR. The top section is red and tilted “Targeted Gene Therapy” with a white double helix being cut by a gray pair of scissors. Progressing clockwise there is an orange section titled “Rapid Genetic Studies” and it shows white cartoon like images of a mouse and monkey faces. The next section is green and titled “Food, Fuel, and Materials”. Within this section are white the silhouettes of a white corn stalk and a yellow cob as well as a drop of water. The next section is royal blue and is titled “Drug Development” and contains an orange prescription bottle with a white RX label. The last section is purple and titled “Gene Regulation”. There are five power buttons with four of them red and labeled “off” and one green one labeled “on”. On the baseline of the poster is the text *CRISPR: Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats; Cas: CRISPR-associated (protein)