• Poster 51
    Maintaining Optimal Animal Research Facilities
    This poster has a black background and displays a group of five cartoon like people located around the poster doing building related tasks. The people are dressed in maintenance and construction related clothes and are strategically placed to indicate how they are involved in facility maintenance and construction. A large face of an analog clock is located off center to the right dominates the poster. A picture of aquatic racks containing zebrafish is superimposed on the clock face with the clock hands positioned at 4:00 and the numbers of 12, 6 and 9 correctly located. In the upper left quadrant of the poster is a clear rectangular aquatics container, like the ones in the racks shown on the clock face, with blue water and several zebrafish. Below the aquatics container are the numbers 24/7 and just below them is a female figure wearing a white coat and blue pants with red hair and holding floor plans. To her left is a man dressed in a blue maintenance uniform standing on a ladder leaning on the clock and inspecting the number 9. At the top and bottom of the clock there are two more maintenance workers wearing gray hard hats looking at the number 12 and 6. Lastly, there is a balding worker standing on the hour hand and adjusting the clock with a wrench.