Poster 30
Cryopreservation Conserves and Protects Resources
This royal blue poster depicts how freezing mouse cell lines can maintain a mouse strain without breeding several generations of mice. On the left side of the poster there are four columns and 13 rows of white mice reducing in size and arcing from the bottom of the poster to the top center representing generations of mice. At the bottom center is an open a gray canister of liquid nitrogen with layers of white fog embracing it and containing white stacked boxes of mouse cell lines emerging from the opening. On the bottom right is a pair of tongs holding a vial of frozen mouse cells that are being removed from the top box. Below the poster title are the words “Maintaining Live Animals vs. Cells Frozen in Time” written in yellow type. The subtitle is, “A Program Sponsored by The NIH Animal Care and Use Committee, 496-5424.” The OACU and the NIH logos are also shown.