Poster 39
Careers in Laboratory Animal Research
This royal blue poster displays a young girl with a think bubble displaying five occupations related to lab animal research. The cartoon like girl is wearing a purple dress and has pig tails. She is located in the bottom left of the poster and she is thinking of careers within a bubble above her head. At the top left of the poster a grown up version of the girl and shows her as a veterinarian wearing a face mask and gloves who is examining a mouse with a rabbit, frog and zebra fish in a tank waiting their turn. At the top right she is shown as a bench scientist looking at a microscope with a mouse on the counter top assisting her and holding a check off list. In the center of the poster she is a doctor shaking the hand of a bed ridden patient. At the bottom left she is shown as a member of the animal care staff and is dressed in purple surgical scrubs with a face cover holding a white mouse in front of rack of mouse cages. In the last scene on the bottom right and she is a health care worker giving flu shots made from a vaccine that research animals were essential in developing. At the very bottom of the poster to the right of the girl is the caption Dare to Dream.