Poster 42
Biomedical Research Helps People and Animals
This blue-gray poster depicts how integral animals are in the studying of diseases and biomedical advances that have been achieved for both animals and people. There are seven different cartoon-like animals on the poster and each has a list beneath it of diseases and conditions that species has helped study. Proceeding in a clock wise direction at two o’clock is a brown monkey with the following list underneath - Parkinson’s Disease, Measles, HIV/AIDS, Malaria vaccine research and Hepatitis. At four o’clock is a pink pig – Skin grafts, Atherosclerosis, Pig & mouth disease and Heart transplants. At six o’clock is a tan and black footed ferret – Canine distemper and Influenza. At eight o’clock is a brown rabbit – Rabies vaccine, Emphysema, Ear infections, Rabbit snuffles vaccine and Skin disorders. At ten o’clock is a white mouse – Cancer, Addiction, Genetics, Transplantation and Vaccines. At twelve o’clock is a green and black zebrafish – Diabetes, Blood cell research and Genetics. In the center of the poster is a gray and black fruit fly – Genetics, Neurodegeneration and Cancer. The subtitle at the bottom of the poster is NIH Animal Research Advisory Committee, 301-496-5424. The DHHS, NIH and OACU logos are also shown on the poster.