Poster 43
Animal Models for Medical Discoveries
This burnt orange poster displays a flight of stairs consisting of eleven gray steps. The first step is located at the bottom left side of the poster and rises to the upper right of the poster. There dates in ten year increments labeling each vertical riser starting with 1920 on the bottom step and ending with 2020 on the top riser. On the right side of the staircase each step is labeled with a medical discovery that is associated with each decade. Starting at 1920 with Insulin and continuing with the following discoveries: 1930 - Antibiotics, 1940 - Kidney dialysis, 1950 - Polio vaccine, 1960 - German measles vaccine, 1970 - Leprosy drug therapy, 1980 - Hepatitis B vaccine, 1990 - HIV drug therapy, 2000 - Parkinson’s disease, 2010 - Ebola vaccine and finally a question mark labels the 2020 step. There are also cartoon like animals on the stairs. To the left of the bottom step is a white mouse looking up the stairs. Mid way up the stairs is a brown new world monkey looking out from the poster. On the top stair facing to the left is a green frog and behind him is a fish bowl with blue water containing three small black and white striped fish. The subtitle is, “NIH Animal Care and Use Committee, 301-496-5424.” The OACU and the NIH logos are also shown. In the far bottom right hand corner is a Quick Recovery Code that when scanned by a mobile device will access the OACU webpage.